Baltimore is Divine

Baltimore is home to famous writers and mysteries, what better place for the Nancy Boys to travel to? Join them at Baltimore Improv Group’s “BIF” - the Baltimore Improv Festival.

The boys are thrilled to be included in this massive festival of performers from all over the country. This will be the Nancy Boys’ East Coast debut, so it will be a show that you won’t want to miss. As always the Nancy Boys take the inspiration from their audience to paint the the picture of a mystery set in fictional “Gayport, USA.” Once they’ve set the stage they’re off on a wild adventure featuring all sorts of wacky and retro characters.

Being the home of John Waters, visionary director of filth and Divine, the Nancy Boys are inspired by his campy style and feel that this show will exude the classic camp that makes their respective mediums so much fun to watch.

Tickets can be purchased online. Go ahead, buy a festival pass!